Maroon Band – This ensemble is where the band program begins. The group starts at the very beginning of music instruction with the basics in music notation, theory, and history. In addition, students will learn the proper fundamentals for their chosen instrument. The students will be using the Measures of Success Book 1, which I strongly encourage each student to purchase. The goal of the Maroon Band is to provide a strong foundation that will encourage the students to continue studying music.
Gold Band – This ensemble focuses on continuing the foundation building that began in the Maroon Band. The group will continue to study music notation, theory, and history along with learning more about their individual instruments. The students will begin the year reviewing and/or finishing the Measures of Success Book 1 before moving on to Book 2. The ensemble will also begin to perform music outside of the method book. The goal of the Gold Band is to continue to build the strong foundation in music and increase the students’ abilities to allow further development in the middle school years.
Junior High Band – This ensemble focuses on increasing the individual student’s ability and blending the ensemble’s sound. The ensemble will study sheet music primarily, with some work in method books. The work students achieve in the two or three years earlier will provide them with a strong foundation that they will use to blend together for a unified band sound. The group will continue to study music notation, theory, and history along with learning more about their individual instruments. The goal of the Junior High Band is to establish a strong ensemble sound that students work together to produce, while they continue to grow musically and strengthen the developing foundation.
Concert Band – This ensemble of 9th – 12th grade students is designed to blend the ability levels of all high school students into one group that continues to grow annually. Music will be challenging to all students, but not out of the realm of possibility for any single individual. The ensemble will be required to perform at a variety of events, which will be explained in the calendar of events. The goal of this ensemble is to showcase the foundation established in the earlier years of study through challenging music.
Jazz Band – This ensemble of 9th – 12th grade students study jazz though a performance based setting. The group is unique by providing students the opportunity for advanced playing in an individual format. All members of this ensemble will learn to improvise, distinguish styles of jazz, understand jazz articulations, have some knowledge of jazz history and performers, listen to jazz performers of varying abilities, and acquire some knowledge in music theory and aural recognition as it relates to jazz. The goal of this ensemble is to expose students to jazz through a big band setting. Auditions are required for participation in the Jazz Band.
Director - Mr. Ron Gruber moved to Shelby during the summer of 2004 after living in Michigan where he was born. He graduated from Northern Michigan University with a Bachelor’s degree in Music Education and Secondary Mathematics Education. Prior to becoming the director of bands in Shelby Mr. Gruber taught high school mathematics and K-12 music in southeast Michigan. Mr. Gruber regularly performs on stage with various jazz ensembles and concert bands including the Impromtu and the Prairie Mountain Players. He has also performed in pit orchestras for high school and professional stage production.